Saturday, June 27, 2009

Craigslist Therapeutic section gone to the dogs

Craigslist has become tolerant of sexual ads in the Therapeutic section. Maybe they just grew tired of policing the site, since they have also removed any way to flag an inappropriate ad.

So, now the section is it's a lowly mix of a few legitimate LMT's and a several ads for poorly veiled prostitution. Truly sad.

I imagine if Governor Kulongoski has his way and suspends the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists (OBMT), it will become even more difficult to make a distinction between our professional, therapeutic status as complimentary healthcare workers and the rest of the sexual riff-raff.

My massage therapist friends, there are better ways to get the word out there and advertise your business! Build a website, hang fliers, teach a class.... become the light others seek.

Blessings and love,
Hamid : )

Hamid LMT - Massage therapist in Portland, Oregon


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